A Burnout recovery plan
Are you burnt out?
- Did you lose the joy you had in your work?
- Do you feel overwhelmed?
- Do you experience a sense of failure and self-doubt?
- Do you feel helpless, trapped and defeated?
- Do you feel detachment and alone in the world?
- Have you lost your motivation?
- Do you become increasingly cynical and negative?
- Are you frequently ill or exhausted?
- Do you experience reduced creativity?
- Do you experience decreased performance?
- Do you tend to isolate yourself?
- Do you feel careless regarding your work, performance and life in general?
If your answer is yes to two or more of these statements, chances are you are struggling with symptoms of burnout! The good news is, you are not alone! Up to 73% of individuals currently experience some or other form of Burnout!
And YES, there are hope!
Start by making small changes in your life – take one step at a time and focus on adding one small change a week when you feel ready to do so:
- Do one loving thing for yourself per day
- Take short breaks during your day
- Drink a lot of clean water
- Know your limits
- Learn to say “No”
- Organise your desk
- Get enough sleep
- Take a daily stroll
- Eat one healthy meal per day
- Take some time off
- Read our step by step recovery
- Hug a loved one
- Build a collage with beautiful colourful images from nature
- Play with a pet
- Spend time on a hobby
- Get a friend to support you on your journey
- Get professional help if you need it
- Celebrate small successes
Take daily time out to reconnect spiritually.
Pray, meditate, write down your personal faith proclamations and meditate on these proclamations on a daily basis.
Physical body:
Support your body with healthy food – fresh veggies, fruit, fish, nuts, berries, and two portions of red meat per week. Your body can only use what YOU put in, to recover your physical strength and health.
Drink 350ml clean mineralised water per 10kg of your body weight per day is necessary for normal brain and body function. Start increasing water intake until you reach your optimised level.
Limit sugars, refined carbs, heated fats, caffeine and alcohol.
Incorporate some exercise in your daily programme, a gentle stole daily where you can appreciate nature, will be more beneficial than a harsh exercise programme, that might deplete your body even further.
Sleep 8-10 hours per day, for your body to be able to recover strength!
Vit C, Vit D, Omega 3, Bcomplex, B12, Ashwagandha, Adreno support alternatives.
Healthy Mind:
Guard your thoughts and your mouth! Think what you are thinking about, as Dr Caroline Leaf states it… Whatever you think of, create structure in your brain and activates chemicals that floods your complete body. Positive thoughts you meditate on will thus flood the body with healthy chemicals that will build back a healthy body and mind!
Join our Be-Well workshops to craft your own recovery journey!
Compiled by Annemie Becker