Core Principles of “Powerful People Solutions”

1.Unlimited potential waiting to be unleashed

  • Most people are unaware of this unlimited potential.
  • Most of our potential is hidden in the unconscious mind.
  • Knowledge, skills and coaching are needed to support individuals to be able to increase their personal success by growing into their potential

2. Diversity Optimisation

  • Recognition of and acknowledgement of the individual’s unique profile, strengths and unique value, unleash a lot of energy within a company and increase engagement levels.
  • Growing Leaders’ awareness of the business advantages of the hidden potential within diversity and skills to optimise the potential
  • Growing Leaders and team’s respect and understanding of themselves and others, contributes towards personal- and company success


  • Human behaviour always tend to move towards equilibrium and therefore resistance to change is inevitable. However, all people have the ability to transform. Some profile types are more risk sensitive, while other have conscious or unconscious fears and need specific support to transform timeously

4.Challenging beliefs

  • Human behaviour are the result of belief-systems. These beliefs are either conscious or hidden and individual beliefs or beliefs,  picked up from the environment. For individuals to make a shift towards a new paradigm or unleash hidden potential, they need to be: guided to new information, trained on how to identify, challenge and change their limiting beliefs

5.Above or below the line Leadership

  • Forceful strategies activates and increase resistance to transform, increase the risk of lowering energy and lowering engagement levels to name but a few.
  • Higher conscious level strategies however, allow resistance to resolve by itself, leads to increased individuals’ responsibility levels, healthy behaviour to surface, higher energy levels,  focused behaviour and more.

6.The tipping-point principle

  • Change-ready individuals are readily found in all organisations. Statistically only 8-10% of individuals need to change consciously, for the Company to shift.

7.Leadership impact

  • Leaders’ consciousness have a direct impact on the development of the company’s potential, it is worth the investment to focus on leadership development to uncap and fast forward  the company growth