COVID-19: The 3-step home treatment
This document has been compiled from several sets of medical protocol guidelines. However, it is not replacing your doctor’s advice. This is meant to be a practical guideline to support you on your way. Stay calm and trust your heart-brain (inner sense). If you have any medical conditions that put you in a higher risk category, please contact your doctor in advance for more specific guidelines.
Be prepared
- Choose your attitude!
- Build immunity and manage normal inflammation levels
Phase 1
From 1st symptoms till day 6 or 7
- Choose LIFE!
- Lower any stress and anxiety!
- Kill the virus
- Detoxify
- Rest
- Manage oxygen levels
- Manage inflammation
- Manage blood coagulation
(Most people recover 100% at the end of this stage)
Phase 2
- Choose HEALTH!
- Detoxify!
- Manage oxygen levels
- Manage inflammation
- Manage blood coagulation
- Cell repair
- Rebuild energy levels
Be prepared – build your immunity
A healthy body has the ability to fight a virus and recover in full, with a healthy immune system.
Your attitude and stress level will determine your body’s response to any virus or illness.
Chronic stress or fear shuts down the immune system.
Ignore social media and individuals that create fear.
Focus on your personal faith. Read and proclaim your “spiritual truths” on a daily basis to build your faith.
Check medical facts from independent researchers or platforms on Covid-19 information and vaxination. Some recommended sources:
* Dr Rashid Buttar
* Dr Zach Bush
* Bruce Lipton
* Robert F Kennedy Jnr
* London Real – independent interviews

Use nature’s immunity BOOSTERS:
Hydrate: Without hydration, immunity cannot be boosted
Drink 350 ml of pure, mineralised water per 10 kg body weight per day.
Increase your oxygen intake:
Do deep breathing exercises during the day – outdoors is even better!
Eat green vegetables.
Exercise minimum 3 x per week.
pH control:
Quit smoking, reduce coffee and sugar intake and increase daily intake of green leafy vegetables, natural lemon juice, turmeric and cinnamon.
Good nutrition – vitamins and minerals:
Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably fruit in season and from your own garden. Make meat stock from bones, and drink a cup of it daily or use it to cook soup.
Absorption of nutrients:
Eat thoughtfully and with gratitude!
Walk for 30 minutes per day. Do interval exercises at home of 10 seconds, working up to 20 seconds high-impact and 10 to 20 seconds low-impact exercises. Do this 3 times, rest for 2 minutes in-between sets of 3 and repeat the process 3 times.
Rest well:
Go to bed before 22:00. Sleep* for 7-9 hours. Check our guidelines for healthy sleep hygiene.
Sunlight and fresh air:
Be outside for 30 minutes per day with skin exposed and without glasses or contact lenses. Protect your face and eyes with a hat.
EMF damage:
Reduce contact with cell phones, television and electronics as much as possible. Put your phone in flight mode at night or at least 2 meters from yourself. Do not charge your phone or electronics in the room where you sleep.
Protect your digestive system:
Eat good food, eat thoughtfully and chew until the food becomes liquid! Avoid sugar and refined starches
Fresh lemon juice in the morning and as a last drink late in the afternoon can keep your body alkaline through the night.
Try to fast for at least 12-16 hours every day (drink only water) to give your body enough time to focus on its immune responses. Try not to snack between meals.
Reduce toxins:
Drink purified water, replace deodorants with natural options, and avoid using perfume, hair spray, nail polish removers, insecticides, etc., that contain synthetic ingredients or dangerous preservatives. The general rule is: If it smells strong, it may be dangerous!
Emotional health:
- Deal with the problems in your life that cause stress!
- Deal with your resentments. Forgive, let go and let God!
- Live in love and gratitude, and share your stories of gratitude with others.
- Serve and encourage others without exposing yourself.
- Laugh a lot!
- Focus on the positive and most likely realities.
- Cope with your fears, uncertainties and worries by renewing your thinking. Meditate 5 minutes per day on promises from the Word that refute your fears; it has a direct effect on your physical health.
Recommended support and supplements for a healthy immune system:
It has been proven effective in the prevention or treatment of Covid-19. If you choose this as an option, consider getting it with a prescription from your medical practitioner, as the option from your veterinarian contains several added substances that may cause allergic reactions or have negative side effects. Take care to use the correct dosage. Get safe guidelines from www.FLCCC or Dr Anton’s channel on Telegram.
Covid-preventative drops:
A homeopathic blend that is safe for children, adults and pregnant women to use is available.
Vit C (buffered) 1000 mg 2 x per day with a full glass of water
Vit D 5000 iu per day
Zinc 20 mg 2 x per day
Omega 3, 2 x per day
Quercetin 2 x per day
Magnesium 300 mg per day
Probiotics – kefir or kombucha 3 times per week
Clove pure essential oil (1 drop under each foot per day) and Cinnamon oil supports the immune system.
Tea tree oil can be used on your mask to kill harmful bacteria you are constantly breathing out as part of a healthy detox process.
Phase 1 From 1st symptoms till day 6 or 7
(It is possible to recover at the end of this stage)
Use Phase 1 guidelines and intensify your strategy!
(Do not use any cortisone in this phase, as it will activate the virus to multiply uncontrollably)
Choose LIFE!
Check your attitude and thought pattern. Stay positive and focus on your personal faith statements. What you believe and think moment by moment WILL shift your body towards either healing or illness. Your mind is critical in winning Covid-19. Check in with the Wellness line if you need any support.
Lower any stress and anxiety!
See the comments in Phase 1 and check in with the Wellness line if you need any support.
Kill the virus
The right attitude, a healthy immune system and supplement support are recommended – especially if you are in the high-risk group.
Gargle and steam with saline solution and nanosilver water. You can add a pure essential oil to get rid of the virus. Tea tree, eucalyptus and oregano are good options. One drop of high-quality essential oil is enough to make a difference.
Stop your intake of sugars, refined starch, dairy products, coffee, red meat and alcohol for a minimum of 2 weeks or until your symptoms clear up.
Manage oxygen levels
- Manage your anxiety levels by healthy thinking and faith proclamations, and if necessary, use natural anxiety support, e.g. lavender capsules or Rescue.
- Do 5 deep breathing exercises every 30-50 minutes, slowly breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth while feeling the tummy area moving up and down, not the chest.
- Peppermint oil – one drop per dosage can be helpful.
- Check your body position for maximum oxygen levels. See video below.
- Cellfood is a safe supplement to increase oxygen in the body. Adults start with 3 drops 3 x per day and increase to 8 drops 3 x per day (never use more than 24 drops per day). Read the pamphlet carefully.
- If possible, measure your oxygen levels with an oximeter; measure for 30 seconds at a time. If it stays lower than 90, and you cannot change it with your breathing technique, contact your medical adviser.
- A helpful video to support your breathing:
Manage inflammation
Healthier options to manage inflammation have lower risk, especially for Covid-19. High dosages of turmeric and MSM are recommended.
Manage blood coagulation
Natural blood-thinning options are garlic, cinnamon, ginger, Vit E, Omega 3 and Vit D.
A quarter to a half Disprin per day (blue packet) should be enough.
Wintergreen pure essential oil (2-3 drops per day) is an adaptogen and will regulate your coagulation.
Recommended supplements:
- Drink 350 ml of liquid for every 10 kg of your bodyweight (your body loses 1,5 litres of water per 24 hours during your illness, and your immune system needs water to function properly)
- Double Ivermectin or homeopathic Covid drops
- Take Covid homeopathic drops every 2 hours for Covid-related symptoms (can be ordered online fromé)
- Vit C (buffered) 2000 mg 3 x per day with a full glass of water
- Vit D 5000 iu 1 x per day
- Zinc 20 mg 5 x per day (100 mg per day)
- Quercetin 1, 2 x per day
- Pre- and probiotics / kombucha or kefir daily
- Omega 3, 2 capsules 2 x per day
- Melatonin 9 mg per day (2 mg dose for sleep; 9 mg will not induce sleep)
- Magnesium
- Cellfood drops to increase oxygen levels in the body
Additional support as needed:
- Turmeric, frankincense and MSM for pain and inflammation, double to triple doses
- Relax the muscles and nerve system with lavender, frankincense, Rescue, camomile tea, magnesium or Epson salt bath
- Manage fever with MSM, Covid/Flu-drops, peppermint oil behind the neck area; take an Epson and bicarbonate of soda bath for a minimum of 45 minutes
- Nanosilver for nebulisation, hand sanitation and for spraying the eyes and nose
- Tea tree oil, oregano and thyme as antiviral remedy
- Frankincense to support immunity, mental fatigue, cough and breathing and to detox the body
- Frankincense, eucalyptus oil, peppermint, essential oils to relieve coughing, breathing and inhaling and to open the lungs
- Peppermint oil and, MSM for headaches
- Frankincense and copaiba and turmeric essential oils and Epson salt bath for relaxation, pain and inflammation
- Disprin or wintergreen oil for blood coagulation
- Ozone 2 x per day for 5 days on 38 degrees.
Phase 2
Same as Phase 2, with a focus on managing inflammation and blood coagulation. Continue with blood coagulation for 2 weeks after the last symptoms.
Feel free to contact us for guidance or more clarity on this information.
Get your Covid-19-preventative or treatment package online at
For any information or inquiries, contact us at:
079 419 0452 / 0825583419