Identify your Hidden Potential in terms of the Human Development Phases

This is not a standardised assessment, but can be used to identify possible development gaps, that might lead to unleashing your hidden potential.

Feel free to complete the following questionnaire to the best of your ability. Your first answer (instinctive answer) will be your best. Therefore, work as quick as possible through the questions, and do not overthink it. It is understandable that in some cases, you will not be able to know the answer, therefore the option is available of “Don’t know/ Not sure”.


Develop your full potential

Your scores at each level are an indication of the hidden potential you can get access to, through our development programme. The lower your score in each section, the higher the possibility to increase your success in life by using these suggestions, if you have not addressed these aspects already! Growth and development are a lifelong journey; however, unleashing the potential in these areas tends to shift dedicated individuals to amazing new heights!

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Level 1 – Emotional groundedness

1. Were your biological parents excited when they discovered that you were conceived?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Were you planned and conceived in a loving relationship?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Did your parents, at any time, doubt their ability to take care of you?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. While you were growing up, did you feel supported, loved, and cared for by both your parents?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. As an adult, are you easily disturbed by something that happens unexpectedly?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Do you strongly react on things that happen outside of your control – even if you can do nothing about it?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Were your parents readily available while you were growing up (physically and emotionally)?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Do you tend to feel depressed easily, or do you have an addiction tendency (food, cigarettes, pornography, games, gambling, chemical substance, etc.)
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. Do you somehow experience that your life/career just don’t get together, no matter how hard you try?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Emotional groundedness
By improving this score, you will deal with life and its challenges easier. You will most probably experience less emotional mood swings, feel more secure in yourself, and increase your personal power. Entering into two to three guided face-to-face sessions, facilitated by a person who understands the specific restoration process, could deal with most of your challenges in this area. Contact us for guidance on picking the right person for these sessions, or join our programme.
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Level 2 – Career motivation

1. Did you experience any serious long-term illness, or any other limitation that prevented you to play and explore freely as a toddler?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Did you have an overprotective mother, father or caretaker as a toddler?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Did your parents expose you to, and encourage you to explore “new things” as a toddler? (vs “Do not touch anything...”)
**Swimming, cycling, running, climbing, playing with dough, music, laughing, touching, tasting, smelling, singing, screaming, etc.
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Did you attend a play-group or nursery pre-school that actively followed a pre-school development program?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Are you clear on what career you want to pursue / Do you love and thoroughly enjoy your current job?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Is it easy to make decisions that involve your own preferences, e.g. order in a restaurant, choose an activity for fun, etc.?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Do you know today, where you would go and what you would do if you could go on a holiday of your choice, all expenses paid?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Do you know what kind of activities brings you much enjoyment, excitement or energy in life (including work, hobbies and fun activities)?
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. Do you have a hobby in mind or some project you still want to try out one day, which excites you?
Please select a number
Please select a number
10. Is money your biggest consideration in a job offer, or in choosing a career path?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Career motivation
Work should be an enjoyable and energising activity, not just a means to an end. By improving this score, you will be able to know yourself and what you love doing. It may result in improved career decisions, working your way to an enjoyable experience in the workplace! If you got a low score in this section, it might take a while to improve, but it is definitely worth your while! Challenge yourself to explore new activities to be able to discover what makes you tick! Try out a few new hobbies, visit your friends’ workplaces, temp or volunteer in your free time in different types of jobs or organisations, enrol in short courses (the internet offers many free courses you can explore), etc. It can be helpful to listen to Arthur Burk’s CD series on “Personhood”, especially if you struggle with the concept of enjoyment. You can get hold of the series via
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Level 3 – Accountability

1. Overall, did you experience fair discipline and punishment while growing up?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Did your parents remind you or others about your past mistakes?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Did you feel unreasonably shameful for a prolonged period of time, when you made a mistake or did something wrong?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Do you tend to shame yourself and/or have a habit of telling or reminding others of your own mistakes?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Do you currently tend to deny your mistakes, or to ignore it, or to cover it up?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Did your parents forgive easily when they had punished you? (Was the relationship easily restored after punishment?)
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Do you tend to pass the buck or put the blame on others, if something goes wrong?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Do you tend to focus on solving the problem when something goes wrong ….rather than blame, sulk or shame?
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. Do people like to work with you on a project?
Please select a number
Please select a number
10. Do you take responsibility for your own mistakes?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Accountability level
To improve this score, you need to accept that human beings are fallible and prone to making mistakes. You need to accept that making a mistake is not the end of the world; it is a part of life. Learning from your mistakes is how you will grow and prosper. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Forgive others for being hard on you when you have made mistakes in the past. Accepting the consequences of mistakes is not always easy. However, it will be rewarding to grow in your inner strength, power and authority. Choosing a safe environment to practise this new skill will make it easier. Start by acknowledging your mistakes; take responsibility for it, and move forward. If possible, restore the situation or solve the problems created. If not, apologise sincerely. Always look for a way to prevent the same type of mistake. Implement your strategy, or ask support to find and implement a preventative strategy. Communicate your strategy to the person in charge or the person who has been affected in the relationship. Your hard work will be rewarded! Soon you will start earning respect for your honesty and willingness to take responsibility. Take note, some individuals who have not dealt with woundedness in this area might be harsh on you, even when you do the right thing. Be kind to them while they are still growing to accept that we all make mistakes.
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LEVEL 4 – Relationship building

1. Do you like to engage with complete strangers?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Does it come natural for you to negotiate a fair deal for all parties involved, including yourself?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Does it come natural for you to engage with individuals who are from different socio-economic and cultural groups than yourself?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. If you need to participate in sport, would you rather play rugby, football and soccer (than cricket or baseball)?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Do you name your belongings (car, computer, etc.)?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Does it come natural for you to start a conversation with complete strangers?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. When you are watching a match or going to a conference, do you enjoy meeting new people, more than the activity itself?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Do you treat your pets or talk to your pets as if they were human?
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. Do you prefer hobbies that you can do on your own?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Relationship building
You do not have to grow your relationship building abilities. However, if you prefer not to develop in this are, you need to be careful in choosing a career that will not expect of you to build new relationships on a daily basis, e.g. telesales, recruiting, sales, etc. You will most probably be great at maintaining long-term relationships, and that will be your edge when you have to sell yourself for a job. Focus on developing listening and communication techniques to keep your customers happy. Starting in a new job or learning to know your new customers might be a challenge, but you will soon feel comfortable in the newly established relationships. If you take the time to know them and focus on knowing and addressing their needs, it will help you to establish much needed stable relationships. However, challenging your beliefs about people and relationships and growing your skills in building new relationships will always be beneficial to your success and will make life easier for yourself and your loved ones.
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LEVEL 5 A – Ability to receive

1. Do you feel uncomfortable when receiving a compliment, even if you know it is sincere?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Do you easily receive gifts from others?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Will you rather deny something (that you really like) when it is unexpectedly offered to you, even if you know it is an honest gesture?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Is it easy for you to discern when not to receive from others?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Do you regularly pat yourself on the back to acknowledge your own effort when you truly did well?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Do you freely give honest complements to others?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Ability to receive
If you have a low score in this area, you can consciously start receiving complements and gifts by only saying “Thank you”, instead of rejecting or discounting other’s kind gestures. Learn to discern when other’s intentions are not pure and reject offerings that is harmful to you. A face-to-face facilitated session will also help you deal with the possible root of a low score in this area. Contact us to choose a facilitator who has an understanding of this type of process. A breakthrough in this area will position you to be more open to receiving on an unconscious level. Such a breakthrough may, for example, open up more rewarding career opportunities. Your intimate relationships might also benefit a great deal, and you will probably be more open to receive and experience care, love and protection in your relationships.
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LEVEL 5 B – Hidden potential

1. While growing up, were you supported, inspired and motivated to grow, develop, and to accept challenges?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Did your father, or a father-figure in your life, believe in your potential while you were growing up?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Is money your biggest motivation when considering a job offer?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Is self-development a priority in your life?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Are you driven to deliver perfection - even at a very high cost?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Do you know what activities unleash energy for you, or what brings excitement in your life?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Do you struggle with the idea that you might not be, or are not “good enough”?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Were you harshly criticised or shamed when you did not perform up to your parent’s/caregiver’s standards?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Hidden potential
The great news is that a lower score in this area implies that you most probably still have a lot of hidden potential! You will probably be much more successful in life if you stretch yourself more. Growing and developing should be an exciting lifelong journey. If you already know what you love doing and where your strengths are, it would be a great idea to invest in growing in that direction. By reading more on topics of interest, enrolling in related courses – even free internet courses or discussing your interest with someone you admire who is already flourishing in that area – you might get some new ideas on how to grow more effectively in that direction. You might also benefit by focusing on the development hints in the Career Motivation Section above or the Autonomy Section below.
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LEVEL 6A – Assertiveness

1. Do you tend to be a “fighter”?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Do you prefer to fight until the enemy has been “destroyed”?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Do you choose to “fight” for what is truly important in life, rather than challenging everything?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Do you take a stand for what you believe, in a constructive way? Do you try to negotiate a win-win situation?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Do you compromise what is important to you, rather than to try negotiate?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Do you prefer to prove yourself right, rather than to preserve relationships?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Do you tend to destroy relationships when you differ from others?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Do you tend to preserve relationships when dealing with differences?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Depending on the way you have grown up, you may either be shying away from conflict (thus suppressing your own needs or emotions), or you may have learned to fight to survive at all cost, or somewhere in-between. When you grow in this area, you will have much more peace in your life, leading to better health and more energy to enjoy life. You will have much more energy to be creative and to spend on activities that you love doing! A good starting point is to decide for yourself what thing in life are truly worth fighting for. Professor Maultsby once jokingly said, “You need to decide to be right or be married, because you cannot be both.” To understand why you shy away from conflict or why you take a stand for yourself and your own needs (if applicable) is important. Most of the time, this reason or reasons are not based on truth. Deal with the pain behind the reason. Forgive yourself and others for what has happened and the consequences thereof. Rewrite your beliefs about your behaviour to the truth. Beliefs such as “I am not allowed to differ from my superior” or “I should respect my superior” can be changed to statements such as “It is possible to differ or disagree in a respectful way” or “All people make mistakes and differ from opinions at times” or “Discussing our differences in a respectful way will help us to grow and learn from it, if we are willing to allow it to”. We also have a module to help you apply this technique to help you improve your emotional state and be more assertive when needed. When you tend to fight at all cost, you will have to address the reasons for acting in such a way in the same way as discussed above. By applying this technique, you will be able to be more in control of your emotions and your actions and be able to build relationships while stating your point. It will also help you to get to solutions much easier, rather than getting caught up in a power struggle that will lead to no solutions and more emotional turmoil in yourself and your relationships.
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LEVEL 6B – Resourcefulness

1. Are you able to reach a goal, even if you have very little or limited resources available?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Would you rather try to do a job, even if you do not have the correct tools and equipment?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Can you recall one or more projects you have successfully completed?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Do you easily see different uses for standard items?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Do you easily give up?
Please select a number
Please select a number
Growing in resourcefulness is an art. In his book “5 Steps to thinking like a genius”, Andre Aleinikov explains that one reason for people becoming geniuses is because they have trained themselves never to give up. Another reason is that they always question it when somebody says, “It is impossible.” Geniuses just accept that there always IS a way, even if they still have to figure it out. I am quite sure that there have been many people who once have thought it would be impossible to land on the moon, and yet it happened! Challenge yourself and stretch yourself by applying these two principles, and read the book mentioned or attend our training to become more resourceful and start thinking like a genius!
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LEVEL 7 – Autonomy

1. Did you stand up for anything in the past that you regarded as “wrong” or “unfair”, and acted on it?
(It could have been for yourself, or for another person or a cause. It does not matter if you won or not.)
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. Are there any “slogans” or rules of your role-models/parents which were proved as not being beneficial to you, but you are still acting on it?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Are you comfortable to disagree respectfully with a parent/influencer/role-model, somebody who you look up to?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. Have you made any major decisions with positive outcomes that were against your parents/role-models’ recommendations or beliefs?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. Have you actively reconsidered and corrected some of your parents/role-models’ ideas or values to suit your own ideas or values?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Did your father, or father figure, celebrate and respect your adulthood/independence?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Do you sometimes feel guilty when you take a decision or action that you know is not according to your influencers’/parents’ guidelines, even when you know it is the right decision?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. Do you feel more comfortable utilising someone else's opinion in an important decision, than your own?
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. Did you grow up in a family culture that values support, unity and obedience more than independence and autonomy?
Please select a number
Please select a number
10. Are you quick and effective in decision-making?
Please select a number
Please select a number
11. Did your father / father figure acknowledge and value your unique strengths and abilities?
Please select a number
Please select a number
The Jewish culture is a culture rich in blessing one another, especially their children. By the time children have grown into adulthood, the individuals know exactly who they are, they know they are loved, and they know their parents are proud of them and their abilities. Jewish children get a lot of support to become the best they can be. It is no wonder that they are world leaders in many areas of life, e.g. they are the nation who has produced the most Nobel Prize winners of all nations by far! This area of development is easy to catch up on, but the ultimate growth process is your own journey. It is essential to have a face-to-face session, either by joining our training session on autonomy or by contacting us for an individual facilitation to activate your acceleration towards success. Other resources that will support your growth in this area is to listen to the Personhood CD series of Arthur Burk. You can get it from In Dr MK Strydom’s book “Healing begins with sanctification of the heart”, there is a section on “Who you are in Christ”. The e-book is available for free and contains valuable statements you can use to re-programme your brain.
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