Personal Profile

This short assessment will only offer you a quick indication of what your personal preference is regarding your natural thinking style, and is not at all a comprehensive evaluation or feedback tool.

The focus is not to measure skills, but rather your natural preferences, and thus your strength!

Do not overthink the statements. Your first or intuitive answer will be your best indicator.

Your First Name
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Your Last Name
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Your E-mail Address
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Contact Number
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Your Job Description
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Your Branch
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Your Line Manager
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Choose one block from each of the 6 rows that fits or describes you best in a natural situation:

Row 1
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 2
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 3
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 4
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 5
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 6
Please select a number
Please select a number

From the list of 12 statements, choose the 3 you see as the closest description of how you would react during a natural situation:

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Analytical Score:
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Field is required!
Process Score:
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Field is required!
Innovator Score:
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Field is required!
Collaborator Score:
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Do you want us to contact you for a coaching session and guidelines to improve your scores?
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Stress Profile

Recall a stressful time in your life.

Now, repeat the excercise and choose the statements that represent your responses during a stressful situation.

Do not overthink the statements. Your first or intuitive answer will be your best indicator.

Your First Name
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Your Last Name
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Your E-mail Address
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Your Contact Number
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Invalid phonenumber!
Your Job Description
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Field is required!
Your Branch
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Field is required!
Your Line Manager
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Field is required!

Choose one block from each of the 6 rows that fits or describes you best in a stressful situation:

Row 1
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 2
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 3
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 4
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 5
Please select a number
Please select a number
Row 6
Please select a number
Please select a number

From the list of 12 statements, choose the 3 you see as the closest description of how you would react during a stressful situation:

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Field is required!
Analytical Score:
Field is required!
Field is required!
Process Score:
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Field is required!
Innovator Score:
Field is required!
Field is required!
Collaborator Score:
Field is required!
Field is required!
Do you want us to contact you for a coaching session and guidelines to improve your scores?
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Field is required!