October is mental health month!

All of us go through a rough patch at some stage. Sometimes it is for short periods and other times longer periods of time.

Our genetics, upbringing, family, friends and work environment, relationships, our lifestyle, eating patterns, sleeping patterns, the use and abuse of drugs, unhealthy habits, trauma, money issues, our thought patterns and our faith, all contribute towards our mental state!

Check your mental state!

It is recommended to check in with yourself from time to time!

  • Have a “coffee-for-one session”, during which you can list your medical, emotional and psychological symptoms, stresses, fears and concerns.
  • Complete a Wellness questionnaire once in a while to identify areas of concern, learn where you can improve and monitor your own growth or mental state. Contact us on info@agape4life.com for your free access key!
  • Check in with a “Real friend” who will give you honest feedback on how they perceive your overall emotional health.

You are what you eat! Your mental health is directly influenced by what you eat and drink!

Lower your sugar intake, lower trans fats and hydrogenated fats (deep fried foods and junk foods are toxic to the mind), limit alcohol, energy drinks and drugs that cause inflammation in the brain and artery damage.

Some medical conditions will affect your mental state. Always focus on treating the root of the condition rather that the symptoms. Thyroid, hormonal imbalances, sugar levels, iron levels, etc. can have a huge impact on your mental state. Healthy lifestyle, thought patterns and relationships are the core ingredients to build and support your mental health!

Check the side-effects of your prescriptions and over the counter and recreational drugs. Be on the look-out for natural replacements with less side-effects if needed. Start treating the root of the issues, rather than the symptoms.

Lower the inflammation levels of your brain Regular exercise, increase omega 3 and vitamin D levels to nourish the brain. Increase your water intake (250ml per 8kg of body weight per day). Eat tree nuts, olives, sardines and lots of raw veggies. Replace refined sugar with dates or stevia.

Maintain a good gut health. Your gut heath determines to a large extent your serotonin (a happy hormone) and melatonin levels that are important for healthy sleeping patterns. Take care of your gut health by eating healthy. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies, fibre rich foods and lower your sugar intake. Consider replacing antibiotics and cortisone treatments with natural options if at all possible. Dr Zach Bush, a leader in gut health, offers great advice.

Nourish your happy hormones with a healthy lifestyle, connecting with loved ones, healthy social connection with like-minded people, regular exercise, practicing a hobby, starting a daily gratitude list and having a good tummy laugh on a regular basis!

Check your thoughts! You become what you think and believe! Your body responds to every thought you ponder on with chemical secretions. We do not always have control over thoughts that pop up in our minds, but we CAN choose which thoughts we want to ponder on and brood over! Start a gratitude journal and replace all your unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones! You can enrol in the “Healthy thoughts workshop” to guide you on your way!

Supplementation: No supplement can replace a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition! However, if you find the need to supplement, make sure you choose supplements that are worth your while, absorbable and in the right combination to make it absorbable. Check with your health store rather than a chemist.

Supplements that can boost your metal health:

Omega 3 (Check the strength of the EPA and DPA content to make sure you get value for money). Omega 3 is important for heart and brain function and also to stabilise hormones and emotions.

Folic acid, iron, Vit B12 and Zink and Vit D might counteract a depressed mood.

Magnesium supports relaxation and happy hormones, detoxifies the body and supports healthy blood sugar levels amongst others. Not all Magnesium is absorbed well into the body. Take an Epsom salt bath – soaking in the tub with a cup of Epsom salt once or twice a week is a great way to up your magnesium levels.

Vit D3: Supplement your Vit D levels by spending 20 minutes per day in direct sunlight without your glasses or sunglasses on. Cover your face to protect the more sensitive skin and prevent sun damage on the face. Vit D is important for brain health and also supports healthy bones amongst other benefits.

Selenium:  Research found selenium to potentially exert antidepressant effects, through its modulatory role in various neurotransmitter systems.

Vit C is an important antioxidant for overall health, also supporting your mental health.

Lavender is a natural source that lowers anxiety, supports healthy sleep and -mood. It is available in Pure lavender capsule form or essential oils. Always make sure you get high quality and purity in your products.


Why is it important to take action?

Long term unmanaged stress, anxiety, sleeping problems, anger, resentment, worries, etc. will lead to medical conditions. Therefore, act in time and take sensible steps!


Action steps:

Do a mental dip-stick! Check yourself, ask a friend or do our online assessment (https://powerfulpeoplesolutions.co.za/) You can get a free access key from info@agape4life.com

Take action! Set up an action plan and start acting on what is necessary to get yourself in excellent mental shape! Get an accountability partner to walk with you!

Detox your life! Get rid of unnecessary clutter, toxins and toxic emotions!

Focus on adding healthy habits and change your environment! Exercise, eat healthy, drink lots of water and herbal teas

Detox your relationships – accept, forgive, reconciliate and let go!

Detox your body and supplement if necessary.

Trust God and fear no man!

If you feel out of control, struggle to set up an effective action plan or are not sure how to address your current emotional struggles or symptoms, act on it! Contact us on the Wellness line @ 083 558 3419.


Attend one of the following one-hour online workshops:

  • Habits for a vibrant you! What habits to add for a vibrant life and how to add it to your daily routine!
  • Building a happy thought life! Steps to identify and re-write your toxic thoughts.
  • Declutter your life! Change your external life to support a healthy mental state. Identify the meaning of your chaos, relief the additional load you carry and simplify your life.
  • Detox your body. Identify the important toxins affecting your health. Simple ways to lower your physical toxic load and support your mental health
  • Happy hormones! Learn to activate and support your happy hormones the natural way!

Author: Annemie Becker @ Powerful People Solutions.co.za