A Self-Assessment

Stress Coping Resources Inventory

Instructions: People differ remarkably in their responses to potentially stressful events. For instance, about one in ten hostages comes out of captivity a mentally healthier person that when entering, while the others my face extreme emotional difficulty. What are the factors associated with coping success? The questions below relate to factors most closely associated with the capacity to cope successfully with stress. Circle the letter which lists the option that you choose. Answer each question as honestly as possible.

Your First Name
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Your Last Name
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Your E-mail Address
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1. How frequently do you moderately exercise?
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. How often do you get a full, restful night of sleep?
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. To what extent is your energy sufficient for our work and daily activities?
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. How closely does your weight approach the ideal level?
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. To what extent do you eat a nutritious diet?
Please select a number
Please select a number
6. Which of the following best describes your use of tobacco?
Please select a number
Please select a number
7. Which of the following best describes your use of alcohol?
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. To what extent do you believe that you have a history of coping well with highly stressful situations?
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. How confident are you of being able to control your emotions in stressful situations?
Please select a number
Please select a number
10. When things are not going well, how likely are you to view the situation as being temporary rather than permanent?
Please select a number
Please select a number
11. When something bad happens to you, how likely are you to exaggerate its importance?
Please select a number
Please select a number
12. When stressed by a complex situation, how likely are you to focus your attention on those aspects of the situation that you can manage?
Please select a number
Please select a number
13. When highly stressed, how capable are you of changing your thinking to calm down?
Please select a number
Please select a number
14. When confronted with a stressful situation, how likely are you to wait passively for events to develop rather than to take charge?
Please select a number
Please select a number
15. Which of the following courses of action are you most likely to take when you have become thoroughly frustrated?
Please select a number
Please select a number
16. If you had worn an article of clothing one day and then found it to be flawed, how likely would you be to return it and ask for a refund?
Please select a number
Please select a number
17. When an unexpected, negative event happens to you, how likely are you to actively seek information about the event and how to cope with it?
Please select a number
Please select a number
18. How much decision-making power so you have in your family?
Please select a number
Please select a number
19. How much decision-making power do you have in your working environment? (if not working outside the home at present, use your last job as a basis for answering this question.)
Please select a number
Please select a number
20. To what extent do you believe that events in your life are merely the result of luck, fate, or chance?
Please select a number
Please select a number
21. What is your best guess as to the extent and quality of contact you had with your parent(s) shortly after birth?
Please select a number
Please select a number
22. During your early childhood, to what extent was your mother both calm and generally permissive?
Please select a number
Please select a number
23. How easily do you make friends in a strange situation?
Please select a number
Please select a number
24. When highly stressed, how likely are you to ask friends or relatives for help?
Please select a number
Please select a number
25. In comparison with other people, how likely are you to see others as threatening, uncooperative, or exploitative?
Please select a number
Please select a number
26. How often are you confused about the intentions of others toward you?
Please select a number
Please select a number
27. To what extent are you aware of practical, healthy ways of relaxing?
Please select a number
Please select a number
28. How frequently do you pursue some highly relaxing practice?
Please select a number
Please select a number
29. How often do you engage in a spiritual practice such as prayer, mediation, or inspirational reading to enrich your interior life?
Please select a number
Please select a number
30. How connected do you feel to your conception of a higher power or to a worthy cause?
Please select a number
Please select a number
31. To what extent do you believe your life has purpose?
Please select a number
Please select a number
32. How much contact do you have with what you would consider a spiritual community?
Please select a number
Please select a number

Your score is as follows

Wellness Scale
 (sum of scores for questions 1-7 divided by 7)
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Thought Control Scale
 (sum of scores for questions 8-13, divided by 6)
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Field is required!
Active Coping Scale
(sum of scores for questions 14-20, divided by 7)
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Field is required!
Social Ease Scale
(sum of scores for questions 21-26, divided by 6)
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Field is required!
Tension reduction Scale
 (sum of scores for questions 27-28, divided by 2)
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Field is required!
Spiritual Practice Scale
 (sum of scores for questions 29-32 divided by 4)
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Field is required!
Overall Score
 (sum of the scale scores above, divided by 6)
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Do you want us to contact you for a coaching session and guidelines to improve your scores?
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