
Everyone feels better when the sun comes out, but sunbathing has had such a bad press for so long that the health benefits of getting out in the sun have been almost forgotten by a generation that now believes sunbathing is as bad for your health as smoking. It is true that the wrong kind of exposure to the sun will increase your risk of skin cancer, but the right kind of safe exposure to the sun will make you happier and healthier.

The damage caused by staying too long in intense sunlight does increase the risk of skin cancer but safe sun exposure has been shown to help alleviate a host of problems ranging from chronic skin conditions including acne, eczema, and psoriasis; lower cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease, and ward off depression. Even better, according to some health experts, sunshine may even prevent more cancers than it causes

While natural light is produced by the sun, artificial light sources can include incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Which to much exposure of artificial light has many negative effects on your health. Sunlight contains all the colours of the spectrum, which is necessary for photosynthesis in plants and the same applies for humans the sun is vital to human health.

The human skin uses the energy from the sun to manufacture Vitamin D. Sunlight triggers the body to make its own Vitamin D, which is crucial not only for strong bones and healthy teeth, but for keeping the immune system healthy too. It strengthens the immune system and helps with proper mineral absorption.

Osteoporosis now affects one in every three women and one in every 12 men in the UK. Described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as “the silent epidemic” there are often no symptoms until the first fracture, by which time you may have lost a third of your bone density. In women, the menopause can accelerate the problem because levels of the female hormone estrogen, which helps bones absorb calcium, declines. But all females naturally start to lose bone density from the age of 30 – so do not think this is only a problem of middle age. There may be no symptoms until a bone has fractured and by the time you are at serious risk of osteoporosis, you may have already lost a third of your starting bone mass.

The World Health Organisation, (WHO), is now predicting that the number of hip fractures could increase six-fold to over six million by the middle of this century. This is why osteoporosis is being called an epidemic, yet one solution could be as simple and as free as safe sunbathing. In studies of elderly populations who have suffered a broken hip, up to 40% have been shown to be lacking in vitamin D. There are also more hip fractures in winter when bone density is at its lowest.

What is unhealthy to the exposure of sunlight is the diets we consume. Genetic modified food, fast foods, food injected with hormones, antibiotics and pesticides. Unnatural creams rubbed on your body- please read the labels. Even medication has an effect, many labels warn to stay out of the sun while taking that medication. Sugar and sugar beverages is another big culprit. Dr Rex Russell M.D. with research noted that when sunlight activates the phytochemicals in healthy foods, consumption of these foods not only blocks the harmful effects of UV rays, but they also produce antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer components as well as pest repellents. Sunlight helps with the production of serotonin that promotes a goodnights sleep.

Benefits of healthy sun exposure -Stronger bones and teeth, could heal chronic skin diseases – psoriasis, acne, eczema;  enhanced Immunity, lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, protection against cancers, better mood, better sleep, better sex drive and protection against Multiple Sclerosis and a healthy heart.

You do not need to burn or tan to get the exposure you need. Just 20 minutes of safe sunbathing a day is enough. The safest way to benefit from the healing powers of sunlight, says experts, is to build your exposure slowly throughout the year and to avoid burning by staying in the shade when the sun is at its most intense between 11.00am and 3.00pm. Please do not overdo when  you are on  holiday and be careful what foods you consume during the holiday.

Compiled by Christa de Villiers
Reference: Dr Jordan S. Reuben and Dr Rex Russell