Thought Pattern Check

0 = Not at all
1 = Maybe a little
2 = Somewhat
3 = At least moderately
4 = Strongly
5 = Absolutely

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1. Because it’s not fair, it upsets me when things that really matter to me, go wrong, especially after I’ve really tried hard to make them go right.
Please select a number
Please select a number
2. I have tried to change myself, but I just can’t do it and that really upsets me because other people do it so easily.
Please select a number
Please select a number
3. Every time I decide to be carefree and loose, something bad happens.
Please select a number
Please select a number
4. I feel that when people try to make rational sense out of their emotions, they lose their creativity and spontaneity and become non-feeling robots.
Please select a number
Please select a number
5. I feel I ought to be or should be different from the way I am – prettier, thinner, taller, smarter, more assertive, more achieving or productive, etc.
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Please select a number
6. I feel that if I act differently from my usual self (e.g. try new behaviour), I will be a fake, and I hate people who are fakes.
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Please select a number
7. I feel that people (including me) are the same as their behaviour, e.g. stupid mistakes reveal stupid people.
Please select a number
Please select a number
8. I feel that some things or events are so undesirable that they should never exist or happen, and it really upsets me when they do, but other things or events are so desirable that they should always exist or happen, and it really makes me angry when they don’t.
Please select a number
Please select a number
9. There are certain undesirable things that I even hate the thought of doing, but I still do them if I have to or when I have no choice about it, i.e. I’m being forced to do them.
Please select a number
Please select a number
10. I feel that some people, as well as some life events, are terrible or awful; there are just no other words to describe them; I can’t stand either those people, or those life events.
Please select a number
Please select a number

Your score is as follows

A: Total score
/ out of 50
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B: Each score above 2 (3, 4, 5) scores 1
/ out of 10
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Do you want us to contact you for a coaching session and guidelines to improve your scores?
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