Winter Wellness
Winter Wellness
Author: Annemie Becker
With COVID in our mids, we need to optimise opportunities to build a healthy immune system.
During wintertime our bodies need some extra support, and with COVID in our midst, it is a great idea to focus on adding fresh veggies and fruit to your diet, increase Vit. C intake, Vit. D, Omega 3 and to support a healthy gut lining to optimise your immune system. More detailed information and articles are available for the health conscious or the immune compromised individual.
Wintertime is also a time where we are more prone to mood difficulties. We can actively work on our happy hormones!
Exercise, spend time with like-minded people, take up an old hobby, get out in the sun, get daily exercise and support your gut health, as it has a direct impact on your immune system. See our article on Gut health!