When you are young you tend to ignore health warnings and information, but unfortunately the life style choices you make today will have an effect in the- not so far off near future. Words like I will make healthier changes when I get older, because I want to still enjoy my life, are often uttered and then later wish it was never uttered and executed. It is never too early or too late to make healthy life style choices and changes. Healthy life style habits start in the womb. The baby thrives on the healthy food the pregnant mom consumes; and suffers from her wrong choices.
A few years ago, diseases like High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes was deemed the older generations problem. Not anymore! Heart bypasses and stents are performed on younger generations when it was only the much older that had to go this route. Not to mention back problems that are now also tormenting the younger generation.
The human body is a complex organism with the ability to heal itself- provided you listen to your body and respond with proper nourishment and care. But we tend to abuse our bodies with toxins, poor nutrition, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and inactivity, with a wrong though life to name but a few. Add to that electronic devices that rule our life.
Ending up with symptoms of Fatigue, Depression, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Poor concentration, Memory problems, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Frequent food cravings, Impaired growth, High cholesterol, Coronary disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, Immune deficiencies, Obesity, Premature aging, Lung diseases. That most could have been prevented if life style changes were made.
Think of your body as being composed of millions of tiny little engines that have to work 24/7. Whatever you put into the engines will determine the outcome of the engines performance. If the type of fuel is of poor grade, the engine may sputter, slow down, set off alarms and eventually lose power- and break down.
In fact, you may think that it is only external environmental factors that are causing your health issues when it really starts with an internal fuel imbalance. In times gone by, it was easier for people to get trace minerals through their diets. Many people grew their own crops organically. And they grew a variety of crops in the same ground — which helped the soil to stay balanced. Picked it today and consumed it today, no chemicals and shelf life for days.
Today, it is almost impossible to get all the trace minerals you need from diet alone. This is because commercial farming techniques are extremely harsh on soil. But that could be information for a later time.
Good nutrition is the foundation for good health. We all need a balance of the four basic nutrients- water, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. By choosing the healthiest forms of each of these nutrients and consuming them in the proper balance will enable your body to function at optimum level.
Add to poor nutrition, sleep deprivation and negative though life. Without enough sleep, stress will always manage you and not you manage the stress. We sleep an average of two hours less than what our grandparents did. But we have more stress than them, a recipe for more sickness and diseases to embed our bodies.
We eat to live and not live to eat! We are going to break up the word EAT; E = Extraordinary Foods of which we are suppose to consume mostly. A = Average Foods T = Trouble Foods
First we are going to look at the troubled foods: – Pork Products; Processed foods; Shellfish and fish without fins and scales (catfish, shark, eel) Hydrogenated oils (margarines); Artificial sweeteners (when you read diet; remove the T and you see what will happen to you); White flour; White Sugar; Soft drinks; Homogenized milk; Corn syrups (high fructose corn syrups); Hydrolyzed soy protein (imitation meat products); Artificial flavours and colours; Excessive alcohol.
Fish and fish oil (The fresher the better); Cultured dairy products from Goats, Cows and Sheep (organic the first choice); Olive Oil; Coconut Oil; Small fruits such as figs, Grapes and berries;
Figs fresh or dried is a very good source of fibre and potassium. It helps with the control of blood pressure. People are Potassium-deficient because they do not eat enough fruit and vegetables(in season); Soups and homemade broth Bone-Broth (not instant and packet soups); Healthy saturated Fats (Omega 3); Honey and Pomegranate; Soaked and sprouted seeds and grains; Cultured and fermented vegetables; Organ Meats (organic the best) High in vit A;D;B6;B12;folic acid; iron and fatty acids; Fermented Beverages (kefir, grape cooler, natural ginger ale, kombucha, kvass at health stores and at Dis-chem );Vegetables the greener the better and as fresh as possible and uncooked even better.(no canned) accept for canned tomatoes. Organic is the best; Enough water according to your weight; Natural fibre found in vegetables and fruit; Whole wheat products; Popcorn (good snack without all the additives not microwave popcorn)
Be careful of too much added salt less is better.
By following the principles of healthy nutrition and diligently following a healthy life style you can improve the state of your health, stave off (delay) diseases and maintain a harmonious balance as intended from the beginning.
Love yourself enough and make the correct life style choices.
Compiled by: Christa de Villiers
INFO: Drs Jordan Rubin; James F, Balch, Phyllis Balch, Adel Davis. Wellness Resources